
Birds In Nassau County Are Worse Than You May Think

When people think of undesirable pests, they don’t usually picture birds. With so many intimidating pests living in Nassau County, birds don’t seem to be much of a concern. However, you shouldn’t underestimate the damage birds can do to your property. Learn why you shouldn’t welcome birds into your property.

flocks of pigeons

The Birds Of Nassau County

There’s a reason people put out bird feeders and listen to chirping as white noise – birds are pleasant creatures. Even if you’re not a fan of bird watching, you probably enjoy watching a bird fly through the sky or chirp after a rainstorm. However, don’t let birds fool you. They might look cute, but birds can be damaging to you and your property.

Before you learn more about the dangers of birds, you should know which Nassau County birds you need to look out for. First, there’s the pigeon. This iconic bird is probably one of the easiest to identify. It often has iridescent colors on its neck, as well as gray, black, and white colors.

The house sparrow is less well-known but is still widespread across the area. Smaller than pigeons, these birds are usually brown and gray or white. Typically, the males are more colorful than the females. It’s easy to tell the difference between these and the other bird pest of the region, the European starling. These blackbirds have short tails and slender beaks.

Why Birds Are Bad News For Your Home Or Business

If you own property in Nassau County, you should be ready to fight off the birds. Starling, sparrows, and pigeons all have the potential to cause property damage.

Perhaps the biggest issue with birds is their ability to spread diseases. Histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and psittacosis are all examples of diseases spread by birds. In addition to making you or your guests sick, birds can also cause injuries. If a bird defecates on your sidewalk, the droppings could result in a slip and fall accident.

Bird Damage

Although most home and business owners don’t realize it, birds can cause thousands of dollars in property damage. Birds defecate everywhere, and their droppings contain acid. If you don’t immediately clean up bird droppings, they will eat away at your paint and building materials.

There’s also the risk of flooding. If a bird builds a nest in a gutter, it causes a clog and keeps water from draining out. When enough pressure builds up, water can pool on your roof and cause a collapse. One small nest has the potential to destroy your roof and leave your home with water damage.

In some cases, birds create fire hazards. They may build nests in chimneys or ventilation systems. As a worst-case scenario, these obstructions can cause a fire or carbon monoxide production. If you have an electrical sign on your property, a bird nest could be enough to ignite a fire. No property is safe from birds.

Keeping Birds Away

You can take steps to make your property less appealing to birds. For instance, you can install stainless steel spikes on your roof. If you close up your roof as much as possible and trim your trees, you may reduce potential nesting sites.

It’s also useful to remind people not to feed the birds. By placing notification signs you can discourage the behavior. But, there’s only so much you can control. The best way to keep birds away is to work with a pest control expert.

Here at Wildlife Removal NY, we have a bird removal program that assesses your property. We find out what attracts birds to your property and then take a customized approach to prevention using technicians specially trained in wildlife animal control. Call us today for further information on residential and commercial prevention plans.

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