
How To Keep Pest Birds Away From Your New York City Property

In New York City, we see birds such as pigeons so often they become part of the landscape. The only time you may notice birds is when someone is going out of their way to feed them. Something you may not know is that birds can be a dangerous pest due to their ability to spread dangerous diseases through their droppings, as well as cause structural damage to buildings and homes.

Wildlife NY is proud to serve New York City, no matter your pest concern. Our expert technicians will even routinely visit your serviced property to ensure there are no bird issues moving forward, even after the initial treatment. When dealing with pests around the home, education, vigilance, and timeliness are critical to keeping your property and loved ones safe.

a portrait of a pigeon

Common Birds As Pests In The Surrounding NYC Area

The term “bird pest” refers to any species of bird whose nesting or potential for disease carries significant risk to structures and/or humans. The most common birds that show up as pests in New York City are pigeons, house sparrows, and European starlings. For specific knowledge and areas for concern, refer to the following:

  • Pigeons are incredibly dirty birds, whose feces accelerate the deterioration of structures at the best, and spread disease at worst. Their feces may carry fungus which causes histoplasmosis when inhaled. Pigeons may also carry diseases such as cryptococcosis, toxoplasmosis, salmonella, food poisoning, and are even known to harbor other pests such as fleas, lice, mites, and ticks. 
  • House sparrows also carry over 25 dangerous diseases such as salmonella, West Nile virus, St. Louis Encephalitis, and more. Also like the pigeon, house sparrows and European starlings commonly harbor ectoparasites. In addition to the damage their feces causes structures, house sparrow nests are known to clog roof drains and plug gutters or downspouts. If their nest is located close to an electrical source, house sparrow nests may even lead to an electrical fire. 
  • European starlings carry many dangerous diseases – similar to both pigeons and house sparrows – and accelerate the deterioration of buildings through their droppings. European starlings have also been known for bird strikes of aircraft.

When considering such a wide array of undesirable impacts birds may bring to your property, home and business owners alike should practice precaution when dealing with an excess of birds, no matter the species. Consider professional pest management for efficacy and expertise of treatment.

Keeping Birds Away From Your New York Home Or Business

Ridding your property of birds is a difficult task to take into your own hands. Like with most pests, making your property inhospitable to birds requires vigorous restructuring methods to ensure you are not providing reliable food, water, and/or shelter. Birds may nest almost anywhere – eaves, vents, rain gutters, or even underneath solar panels.

Unlike other pests, however, ridding your property of overactive pest bird populations involves deterrent methods rather than traditional chemical methods. Birds obviously fly, and live high up – meaning it’s often quite difficult for inexperienced property owners to effectively bird-proof their property.

Wildlife Removal NY: Protecting Your Home Like Our Own

Without a doubt, the best way to keep pest birds away from causing trouble on your property is with professional assistance. Our expert technicians bring effective bird control and prevention to New York City. Wildlife Removal NY will not only remove any nesting birds from your property with specialized equipment, but also inspect the premises in order to bird-proof the premises. Don’t leave solving your headaches to guesswork – contact the expert technicians at Wildlife Removal NY. Call today for your free quote! We look forward to protecting your home like our own.

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