How To Keep Pigeons Away From Your Long Island Home
Pigeons are so common in Long Island that we hardly even notice them. Chances are, if you step outside and look around, you’ll see at least one or two pigeons hanging around. They’re on our roofs, telephone wires, window ledges, and sidewalks. Although most of us have at least a vague sense that pigeons are dirty and shouldn’t be touched or fed, we tend to underestimate the dangers of these abundant birds.
Pigeons carry several diseases and pests, as well as causing property damage and accidents. Because they are so common in Long Island, it’s essential to understand the hazards they pose to people and property and what you can do to mitigate these risks.

Identifying Pigeons
Pigeons, also called rock doves, are typically gray with two black bars on their wings and a broad black band on their tails. They may also have iridescent green and purple feathers on their necks. Pigeons are around 11 inches from head to tail and can weigh up to 13 ounces.
These pest birds commonly roost above the ground on rooftops, window ledges, and telephone wires, although they will come to the ground in search of food. They are very social birds and tend to feed and flock in groups.
Why Are Pigeons A Problem In Long Island?
Pigeons thrive in urbanized areas worldwide, as cities and suburbs provide plenty of access to food and roosting sites. In fact, it is estimated that there are more than one million pigeons in New York City alone. While pigeons are a part of the scenery in Long Island, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t dangerous.
Pigeons carry infectious diseases, including salmonella, toxoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis. They can also be infested with pests such as lice, ticks, and fleas. Pigeon droppings pose additional health and safety hazards. Their feces can spread a severe fungal disease called histoplasmosis, cause slip and fall accidents, and deteriorate buildings and statues. It is important to never feed or handle pigeons, and to promptly clean up pigeon droppings from your property.
What Can I Do To Keep Pigeons Away From My Home?
Pigeons are a nuisance to most Long Island property owners, but there are some things you can do to make your home less appealing to these pest birds.
Try these pigeon prevention tips for your home:
- Eliminate sources of water and food on your property.
- Secure trash cans with a tight-fitting lid.
- Never feed pigeons on or near your property.
- Make potential roosting sites uncomfortable for birds by filling in voids and using devices such as pigeon spikes.
- Install reflective objects on your roof or other roosting areas as flashes of light repel birds.
- Use a “scare-pigeon”, a fake owl or hawk that will frighten pigeons away. Be sure to move it around occasionally, so the pigeons don’t catch on that it is fake.
These techniques should help discourage pigeons from roosting and nesting on your property, at least temporarily. However, for the most effective pigeon control, consider contacting a professional pest control service.
Wildlife Removal NY – Professional Pigeon Control In Long Island
Unfortunately, DIY methods of pigeon control will only get you so far. If pigeons have already established themselves on your property, they may warrant professional assistance. For complete and effective bird control in Long Island, contact the experts at Wildlife Removal NY.
Our tried and true WICE (Wildlife Inspection, Cleaning, and Examination) technique will have your property free of pigeons, as well as their nests and droppings, in no time. Contact Wildlife Removal NY today for your free pigeon control estimate.
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