Queens, NY

Complete Pest Control In Queens, NY

The borough of Queens, NY, is a diverse place that celebrates different cultures from all over the world. It’s an exciting place to be where one can truly immerse themselves in the melting pot that is NYC. However, that melting pot, unfortunately, includes the presence of local wildlife species.

Here in queens, our properties are susceptible to wildlife activity, which puts us at risk of experiencing an infestation. From bats and birds to snakes, raccoons, and skunks, it’s important to protect yourself from the health and safety threats that come with wildlife activity. If you want to secure year-round protection, the best thing you can do is reach out to a team of experienced pest professionals. 

Wildlife Removal NY is proud to provide Queens and the surrounding areas with residential and commercial wild animal removal services. We deal with a long list of common area intruders, some of which include raccoons, snakes, squirrels, wild and domestic birds, skunks, and other wildlife animals.

Call us today to get your complimentary estimate, and we’ll get the process started right away. 

Five Reasons To Choose Professional Wildlife Trapping In Queens, NY

There are many different species of wildlife here in Queens, and if they get into your home or business, they can have a variety of negative consequences.

The best way to approach your wildlife control needs is to choose professional wildlife trapping services. Only a team of pest professionals can bring you the results you’re looking for. 

Here are five reasons to choose professional wildlife trapping services:

1. Wildlife species contaminate the premises by leaving urine and feces everywhere they go. This wide-scale contamination exposes you to a variety of illnesses and harmful diseases.

2. Wildlife activity can lead to costly property damage and the complete destabilization of your structure. These animals cause damage to wood, cables, and wires and can destroy the insulation.

Gray squirrel looking down from a tree

3. Wildlife can ruin your yard and garden, devouring all vegetation, using materials to create nests, and consuming organic matter.

4. Wildlife seek food inside the property, specifically in the kitchen, and they tend to scatter garbage and trash all around the premises.

5. Wildlife species nest within the home, causing serious noise and scavenging behavior; they also expose you to possible bites that could result in the transmission of rabies.

Professional wildlife trapping services are the only sure-fire way to secure the year-round protection you’re looking for. Only trained experts can tackle an infestation on a large scale, using necessary preventative measures to keep them away from the premises moving forwards.

Some of our services include:

Skunk Removal

  • Placement of steel screens around the marked perimeter and safe removal and relocation of all skunks
  • Use of camouflaged traps discreetly installed in the shade, and appropriate baits
  • Deodorization and fogging of enzyme-based chemicals to prevent mold growth

Snake Removal

  • Inspection for entry points and seal off to prevent access
  • Removal and relocation of snakes using protective gear and gloves
  • Use of snake tongs, snake bag, and snake traps, and safety sacks

Squirrel Removal

  • Use of correct baits and placement of traps in pathways and areas frequented by squirrels
  • Monitoring of traps and safely relocating squirrels to their natural habitat
  • Post-squirrel removal services to repair the damage, decontaminate the premises, and prevent the growth of organic matter

From start to finish, we work with you every step of the way to identify, eliminate, and prevent all wildlife activity on your property. We have over ten years of combined experience in wildlife trapping and removal, and our methods are proven to effectively guard you against an infestation.

Call today to learn more. 

Your New York Wildlife Removal Experts

When you contact Wildlife Removal NY, you can rest assured that you will be receiving the highest level of wildlife removal available.

a wildlife technician standing near white van

Local Experts

Our team understands the unique pressures of New York wildlife, and we are highly trained at protecting your home from wild animals.

a customer service answering phone calls

Free Estimates

When you contact Wildlife Removal NY, we will schedule you for a complimentary estimate and schedule your initial service as quickly as possible!

Pigeon & Bird Removal: Practical Advice For Business Owners In Queens

If you have pigeons or other pest birds in your Queens business, you’re guaranteed to lose customers. Not only do birds cause large-scale property damage, but they expose your employees and customers to serious contamination.

If you want to take preventative action in keeping pigeons and birds out of your business, there are some things you can do. Here are a few of the ways you can discourage pest birds from entering your facility:

  • Avoid feeding any pest birds.
  • Block off and seal any openings, cracks, and crevices.
  • Keep garbage cans covered and maintain cleanliness.
  • Keep trees directed away from the structure of your property.
  • Keep vegetation and landscaping well-trimmed.
  • Reduce sources of standing water, like birdbaths and gutters.

The team at Wildlife Removal NY is here to bring you guaranteed, bird-free conditions you can feel good about. All of our methods are safe, harmless, and humane, and we work hard to bring you lasting results. Our pigeon and bird removal service includes:

  • The use of specialized equipment to remove all birds from the property.
  • The insurance that no birds are left behind.
  • The comfort of knowing you won’t have to deal with bird infestation in the future.
  • The repair of any structural damage caused by intrusive birds.
  • The sealing of any inlet and outlet points used by the birds.
  • The complete bird-proofing of the premises.
  • Routine checks to assess your bird situation moving forward.

We’re Proud To Serve Queens

Get in touch with us to learn more about our treatment and removal methods. We’re eager to help your Queens business avoid the detriments of pigeon and pest-bird infestation.

Call us today to schedule pest control services!

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Wildlife Removal NY

40 Glen Street Suite B

Glen Cove, NY 11542

(516) 806-4382


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