Westchester, NY

Reliable Pest Control In Westchester NY

Westchester County, NY, is the most populated county north of NYC. With the Long Island Sound on the southeast and the Hudson River on the west, living and working in Westchester County offers natural beauty at every turn. Unfortunately, the Hudson Valley is also known for considerable wildlife activity.

Local wildlife like raccoons, snakes, squirrels, and birds pose a real threat to our homes and businesses. Not only can they cause serious damage, but they put our health at risk, too. When it comes to effectively protecting yourself from wildlife activity, it’s always a good idea to leave things in the capable hands of the pest professionals.

Wildlife Removal NY is your local source for quality wildlife and bird removal services. We have over 10 years of combined experience is the successfully detection and elimination of wildlife activity, protecting both residential and commercial properties with effective wildlife removal and entry prevention services.

We deal with a long list of common area wildlife species, such as raccoons, snakes, squirrels, wild and domestic birds, and other wildlife animals. Reach out to us today to request your free estimate, we look forward to your call.

Is DIY Wildlife Trapping Safe For Westchester County Residents?

There are a lot of consequences that come with wildlife activity, and it’s good to be aware of these dangers so you can take the proper precautions to avoid them. Not only do wildlife infestations cause the destabilization of your structure, leading to costly property damage, but their presence also causes serious contamination. Something else to consider is that many wildlife species bite, exposing us to rabies and potentially transmitting a variety of other harmful diseases into our bodies.

If you’re experiencing a wildlife problem around your Westchester County home, the most important thing to remember is to stay away. It’s never a good idea to take it upon yourself to trap wildlife. It’s common for wildlife species to become aggressive when they feel threatened or cornered. They could attack you and your loved ones if you approach them, which is why homeowners should never attempt wildlife trapping on their own.

raccoon on the ground

DIY wildlife trapping solutions are not only extremely dangerous, but they’re rarely effective. The truth is these methods often only address the service of the problem, failing to deal with the infestation at large. Even if a few intruders are successfully trapped, only pest professionals can approach the situation in a large-scale way.

Here at Wildlife Removal NY, our wildlife trapping solutions give you guaranteed protection you can count on. We use a proprietary WICE method (Wildlife, Inspections, Cleaning, and Examination) to bring you effective wildlife removal and entry prevention services. Our process includes:

  • Thorough inspections (wildlife seeking techniques, detect entry and exit points).
  • Specialized recovery methods (wildlife removal specialists trained in several effective removal methods).
  • Full-scale evacuation policy (including removal of debris, fecal matter, and urine).
  • Extended coverage (structural repair or reconstruction).

It is our goal to bring you the safest, most reliable wildlife trapping services in the area from start to finish. Our technicians are trained to deal with local wildlife, and we know how to successfully approach the situation in the safest and most effective manner possible.

We also provide post-removal services where we do a full-scale cleanup and decontamination of the attic and any other compromised areas. From attic repairs to insulation services, we’ll work with you to determine the right solution.

Your New York Wildlife Removal Experts

When you contact Wildlife Removal NY, you can rest assured that you will be receiving the highest level of wildlife removal available.

a wildlife technician standing near white van

Local Experts

Our team understands the unique pressures of New York wildlife, and we are highly trained at protecting your home from wild animals.

a customer service answering phone calls

Free Estimates

When you contact Wildlife Removal NY, we will schedule you for a complimentary estimate and schedule your initial service as quickly as possible!

Westchester’s Easy-To-Use Pigeon & Bird Removal Guide

There are a variety of wildlife and domestic bird species here in Westchester county, and property owners should be aware of the threats they pose. When pest birds get into your home or business, they can cause serious structural damage. Not only that, but they expose us to widespread contamination and the adverse health consequences that come with it.

You can try to deal with pest birds on your own, but it can become frustrating when your efforts prove ineffective. That’s why we recommend relying on a team of pest professionals. Get in touch with Wildlife Removal NY for all of your bird control and prevention needs. Our process begins with an extensive inspection where we identify all entry points and problem areas. Then we perform a series of effective treatments to remove and prevent birds around your property.


  • Successful wildlife removal service
  • Use of specialized equipment to remove all birds from the property
  • Insurance that no birds are left behind
  • The comfort of knowing you won’t have to deal with bird infestations in the future


  • Repair any structural damage caused by intrusive birds
  • Seal any inlet and outlet points used by the birds
  • Completely bird-proof the premises
  • Perform routine checks to assess your bird situation moving forward

We Are Proud To Service Westchester Homes & Businesses

Whatever kind of pest bird you’re dealing with, we’re here to help you. Reach out to us to discuss your bird control and prevention needs, and request a free quote for our services. Call today. 

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Wildlife Removal NY

40 Glen Street Suite B

Glen Cove, NY 11542

(516) 806-4382


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(516) 447-4673

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