
What To Do About Skunks Around Your Bronx Property

Skunks are an animal that most people think of with disgust because of their ability to spray stinky substances. This spray is known as skunk musk, and it’s created in special glands that they have under their tails. They can shoot this oily liquid up to ten feet, and the smell can linger for days even after multiple baths and attempts to remove the stench.

While most people know that skunks are stinky, you might still have a few questions or misconceptions about them. For example, they aren’t rodents as is commonly believed. They are instead related to weasels and polecats.

skunk looking at camera

Identifying Skunks

You might have a general idea of what skunks look like, but a refresher on their identifying characteristics can help you tell them apart from other small animals like pets and raccoons. Skunks are about 15-30 inches long depending on the species, and they have long bodies, short legs, and claws that they use to dig. While most are black with white markings, some are more grey or brown. The patterning of their stripes can also vary.

Are Skunks Dangerous To Have Around?

For the most part, skunks aren’t an aggressive species. They will, however, defend themselves if they feel threatened, and there are many problems that these mammals can cause if they live around your home or business.

First of all, they often ruin plants and gardens as they are omnivores that will eat all kinds of things. They also commonly dig holes in the ground to look for insects, and this can ruin your yard or cause tripping hazards.

The biggest issue with skunks is that they pose health risks. They can become infected with rabies, and they are also known to spread other diseases such as salmonella and distemper. They may carry fleas as well as other parasitic insects which can lead to the transmission of a host of other illnesses. While it’s uncommon, their spray is potentially fatal in rare cases when an individual is allergic.

Six Skunks Prevention Tips

Because of the issues and health risks skunks can cause, it’s a good idea to take steps to keep them away from your property. The following six tips are the easiest and most effective measures you can take to keep these pests away:

  1. Keep all outdoor trash cans covered with fitted lids.
  2. Store pet food inside and remove any bird feeders.
  3. Address underlying pest problems as insects can draw skunks to an area.
  4. Clean up wood and rock piles around your property as these are places where skunks often create dens.
  5. Keep skunks from coming indoors by filling up any holes under decks or in the foundation of your building.
  6. Install fences that are difficult for skunks to slip under.

What’s The Best Way To Remove Skunks?

If you’ve noticed skunks around your property, you might be wondering how you can remove these pests without putting your health at risk or getting sprayed. Luckily, there is one simple and effective way to get them away and keep them gone and that’s with assistance from Wildlife Removal NY.

We specialize in wildlife control services for both residential and commercial properties, so give us a call today if you’re dealing with skunks or other wild animals around your home or business. We even offer free estimates. Learn more about our Bronx, NY wildlife removal services.


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